Wednesday, 19 June 2013

The Brain and Omega 3
The Brain and Omega 3
<p><a href="">dmcda53a</a> posted a photo:</p>

<p><a href="" title="The Brain and Omega 3"><img src="" width="150" height="150" alt="The Brain and Omega 3" /></a></p>

<p>People talk a lot about aging, but the real reason old peoplehave a greater diseasepossibility is not only because of their age.<br />
It’s the oxidative stress that comes along with it.<br />
That’s why it’s so important to make sure you’re getting sufficient levels of antioxidant nutrients as one progresses into old age. But don’t stop there — because while the omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil normally aren’t regarded to beantioxidants, they can also help prevent or even reverse the destruction done by oxidative stress.<br />
And that’s especially true in the brain.<br />
In one new study, old folks with the most ingestion of DHA and EPA had the smallest levels of lipid hydroperoxide, or LPO.<br />
DHA and EPA are, of course, two of the most essential omega-3s — and the two main fatty acids you’ll find in a quality fish oil supplement.<br />
LPO is less familiar to most people, but it’s a frequentmarker of oxidative stress in the brain. You want as little as possible,and the trial clearly demonstrates why this is so: It increases the risk of cognitive impairment — specifically, problems with global cognitive function, short-term memory, learning, and attention.<br />
High levels of omega-3s, on the other hand, can do just the opposite, protecting overall cognitive function as well as short-term memory, attention spans, and recall, according to the study in the Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry.<br />
The researchers believe DHA in particular helps the body to produce the enzymes needed to fight oxidative harm in the brain.<br />
And that may be part of it.<br />
But we also know from other studies that omega 3 fish oils shieldthe brain in a number of other ways, both directly and indirectly. Indirectly, they help assistwith heart health and overall circulation — and good circulation is critical to brain function.<br />
More directly, the brain itself thrives on omega-3 fatty acids — which is why fish oil has been shown to help protect and improve memory, mood, and more even in healthy people.<br />
Seniors have been known to fight off depression with Omega 3<br />
Be sure to look for a quality supplement that has been purified to remove contaminants such as mercury.<br />
I’m not done with brain protection yet. Keep reading! <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a></p>

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